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***NEW*** BrewSmith - Beer Made Better

  • Gash
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11 years 8 months ago - 11 years 8 months ago #223 by Gash
For those with no space at home for the usual 23L brewing fermenters and all that go with them or you just want to try brewing on a smaller scale this new kit might just be the thing you are looking for, a 5L brew kit. They don't use pre-hopped cans but come with specialty grains or other tasty things to make your brew taste great. They have three different recipe packs at the moment Summer Citrus Blonde Ale, Honey Bomb Wheat and a very tasty sounding Chocolate Paradise Porter.
I'm hoping to get my hands on one of these kits to give them a try and when I do I'll post a video!

The kits contain :-
· Malt extract, hops, specialty grains, and premium brewing yeast
· Comprehensive instructions
· 5 litre glass fermenter
· Airlock
· Bung
· Plastic tubing
· Tubing clamp
· Sediment cap
· Syphon with hand pump
· Bottle brush
· Funnel
· Sanitiser
· Bottle labels

Please check their website for more details

Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by Gash.

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Drunken Ramblings

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Thu 27 Jun - 08:01

Going good thanks Gavin. Cheers :D

Gash - Wed 5 Jun - 18:39

Hows it going Finroo?

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Fri 22 Jul - 12:19

3 weeks into dry July and going strong, im on the homeward stretch.

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Wed 15 Jun - 13:39

If anyone has trouble logging on , clear your computer with CCleaner or similar and youll be able to log on. Cheers

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Sun 29 May - 08:09


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