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BeerSmith 3

5 years 1 month ago #4152 by Metal
BeerSmith 3 was created by Metal
Hey guys, does anyone know how to modify the calendar in BeerSmith 3, so for example I set the date that I’m brewing a beer when I’m designing a recipe but I might not start fermenting strait away as I make no chill, but in the calendar it just assumes I’m fermenting the day after brewing and it also doesn’t add in my dry hop additions either and I can’t see a way of putting things in my self

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5 years 4 weeks ago #4153 by Gash
Replied by Gash on topic BeerSmith 3
After using Beersmith for over 10 years I did not now about the calendar!! After a quick look I cant see anything, I will do some more research, cheers!

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5 years 4 weeks ago #4154 by Metal
Replied by Metal on topic BeerSmith 3
Ha ha ha ha no worries thanks mate

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5 years 2 weeks ago #4214 by Metal
Replied by Metal on topic BeerSmith 3
Any luck on the BeerSmith calendar??

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5 years 2 weeks ago #4218 by Gash
Replied by Gash on topic BeerSmith 3
It seems ridiculous but no. There is kind of a work around. You can adjust the fermentation, so the primary becomes how many days between the brew day and pitch day. Secondary becomes primary ferment. You need to change to 3 stage ferment if you actually want to include a secondary.

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5 years 2 weeks ago #4221 by Gash
Replied by Gash on topic BeerSmith 3
oh there is another way using the brew log... you set the calender to display only "brew log" in settings and on ferment day you use the "copy to Log" button. This copies the recipe to a Brew Log folder. you then just open that recipe and change the date to "today"., This leaves your original recipe intact in your usual folder, and you can use your your brew log folder as a fermenting list.
If you need help with it , let me know.

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5 years 2 weeks ago #4222 by Gash
Replied by Gash on topic BeerSmith 3

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Drunken Ramblings

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Thu 27 Jun - 08:01

Going good thanks Gavin. Cheers :D

Gash - Wed 5 Jun - 18:39

Hows it going Finroo?

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Fri 22 Jul - 12:19

3 weeks into dry July and going strong, im on the homeward stretch.

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Wed 15 Jun - 13:39

If anyone has trouble logging on , clear your computer with CCleaner or similar and youll be able to log on. Cheers

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Sun 29 May - 08:09


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