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Campden Tablets

  • Finnroo
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5 days 21 hours ago - 5 days 21 hours ago #5657 by Finnroo
Campden Tablets was created by Finnroo
  Hi Everyone, put a Muntons Stout down yesterday paired with a tin of golden syrup and number 72 brew enhancer and made a couple of rookie mistakes( cock ups) The main one was i forgot to dechlorinate my brew water with a campden tablet.Its not a biggie really because our water here in Christchurch is only lightly chlorinated.I learnt years ago that if you dont treat your water the chlorine bonds itself to the sugars in the mash and wont dissapate in the boil. And thats not a concern here but i considered adding the campden tablet after id pitched the yeast and then thought better of it as potassium or sodium metabisulphate will kill wild yeast in must.If I had realized my mistake before pitching the yeast, could I have left the wort over night and pitched the yeast the nextg morning.? I also forgot to put the number 72 brew  enhancer in and i had already topped up to 23 litres now i have 24 litres of wort. it wasnt the best day at the office however my first brew in about 5 months. So not being to hard on myself.Do you guys think a campden tablet would have killed my yeast ? and could i have waited until the next day to pitch the yeast if id added campden tablet the day before.?Many thanks 
Last edit: 5 days 21 hours ago by Finnroo.

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Drunken Ramblings

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Thu 27 Jun - 08:01

Going good thanks Gavin. Cheers :D

Gash - Wed 5 Jun - 18:39

Hows it going Finroo?

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Fri 22 Jul - 12:19

3 weeks into dry July and going strong, im on the homeward stretch.

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Wed 15 Jun - 13:39

If anyone has trouble logging on , clear your computer with CCleaner or similar and youll be able to log on. Cheers

Finnroo's Avatar Finnroo - Sun 29 May - 08:09


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